Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The End of Graham's Previous Ride.

Sitting by the Colliseum at the end of my previous ride in May 2003, a tourist from Denmark told me he had once cycled to Finland from Denmark. That gave me an idea for my next ride - I'd go North. Then I saw a TV programme about Scotland in Autumn so Finland was out and Scotland was in. John O'Groats would be full of Groats (the local name for long distance cyclists), so I would go to the West side of Scotland, to the top of the Western Isles.

So here goes....

Watch this Space

I will be setting out on Saturday 3rd of September. It will take about ten days to get to the Outer Hebrides and I will spend about a week exploring the Isles. Nothing has been booked, so I can travel as slow, or fast as I want.
I have planned to do around 90km a day and have a days rest every 5 days or so. Once on the road I will update this blog with pictures and notes using my phone.