Day 6
Well the gloomy start to the day soon cleared and I had breakfast in a Clitheroe cafe. Then, following the route suggested by Kath and Jack, who are cyclists and told me that they once took their young child in a side car on their bike to France! There's an idea for Ella - can't see her staying in it at the moment. The route is fantastic, quiet roads beautiful rolling countryside and distant hills. I meet Phil who is a famous racing cyclist - but the only one I know is Lance Armstrong - well when I say know - he probably would not agree to that. He and Jannette are laying a pebble path and help me with directions. The lanes are fairly flat and I follow Jack and Kath's route all the way to Kirkby Lonsdale. There I have Lunch - at 3.30. It is a great lunch. Your man asks, "Will you be able to cycle after eating all that?" "Sure." I brag. But your man was right and after thinking over my options decide to find the local campsite. Its a good site with a field almost to my self.
Having made a promise to myself not book ahead again, I have just phoned up and booked into Dufton YHA. It should not be too far and I figure I am due for a day of rain and tomorrow might be it. I am not visiting the pub tonight and instead am having a nice night in. Listening to a good CD, well mini disk, a very appropriate one too. It is by Christie Moore and called 'Ride On'.
In two, or maybe three, days I'll be passing through Gretna Green where they still have 5000 weddings a year and grooms are always searching the roads for passing witnesses. That would make a good bit on the blog.
Cannot check easily what I have put on the blog so I hope all this is making some sort of sense. Due to weight restrictions I have not got a spell chebck on this Palm Computer so you will have to pass messages through your own spell check if you cannot understand anything.
91km yesterday and 66 today.
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